🧲 Dynamically generate Experiences with templates
We've added functionality that will allow you to create experiences using data from a response from a totally different experience. How does it work?
- Create a "template" experience, such as a fundraiser
- Create an "input" experience that you'll use to collect data
- Send the second experience to someone
- When they respond, reach out to the dev team and we'll link those experiences together!
- This is a temporary step and in the future, we will have an automatic UI for this
⚙️ Use experience response data in the redirect URL
You can use an experience response data in the "Redirect URL" field. Use this to send users to some specific URL that is related to experience or send response data as UTM parameters.
🖼 Free response blocks and uploading video by a responder on desktop

We've changed a desktop flow of responder when they completing free response block. Now all block steps will be shown on the right side, so that responders can watch creator's media on any step.
Other improvements:
- Fixed issue with "Publish experience" button that overlapped content
- Fixed issue with the options list view for multiple choice block changed from time to time after refreshing page for widget
- Optimized image size of block backgrounds