🚀 Experience templates
We have Templates in the app! Now users can create their first experiences from templates that are developed by our team! This should help new users to understand how they can use the app and reduce the amount of initial work they need to make.
📲 Chatbot improvements
- Now you can use one phone number to send all your experiences to people (previously each experience had unique phone number)
- From Account Settings, you can control how many phone numbers do you want to have
- All Inbound Messages will be sent to outbox
- Fixed bug with bot repeating itself /not working when sending SMS from action
🍡 Duplicate block within one experience
This feature allows you to duplicate a block within one experience. It will copy the prompt, settings, media, and transitions, so everything you will need is to make small modifications!
Other improvements:
- Started to track all creator sessions with the LogRocket
- Fixed several issues with the chatbot
- Fixed issue with media content is being served through http instead of https
- Fixed issue with the preview on mobile in multi-panel view that was cropped on the right
- Fixed issue with not working exports
- Fixed issue with the include "Other" option. Now you can uncheck it