👁🗨 Facebook Pixel event tracking
We've added integration with Facebook Pixel! Now you can see custom experience events inside "Facebook Event Manager" and optimize your campaigns based on analytics.
You can receive 3 types of events:
- "Experience View" - fires when responder opened your experience
- "Experience Completion" - fires when responder completed your experience
- "Experience Payment" - fires when responder made a payment to your experience.
These events can be turned into custom conversion events
and then used as an optimization goal of your Facebook ad campaigns. Each event also has a set of parameters that lets you get more granular with your custom conversion events
Step by Step Guide
- Connect your Facebook Pixel to your Experience account
- Within 20 minutes after you receive an Experience response, you will see Experience events in the "Facebook Events manager"
- Create custom conversion event that you want your ads to optimize for. In this example we will create special conversion event that will track all payments to specific experience
- Assign created custom conversion event as optimization goal of the needed ad
- Ta-da! You can now optimize your ads for specific engagements with your experience
🤖 Textbot settings on "Experience settings" page
We moved all textbot settings to "Experience settings" page. Now you can turn on the bot for specific experience and system will generate phone number for it. When someone will text this number they will be able to make a response to this experience. Also the "Try the bot" button will allow creators to see how their experience will behave in textbot mode
Talk to @Mike Menne if you want to turn your experience into a textbot.
Other improvements
- Fixed bug with Content-only Block in emails and exports