Free response block type
"Video and Text" was the first block we ever made, but the Video, Text, and Upload options always came in a trio.
Now creators will be able to choose specifically what type of responses they want to collect. Now you can collect:
- Video only
- Text only
- Upload only
or any combination of the three!
Here's an example of a simple application process you can create!

Adjustable multiple choice blocks for embeds
We are continuing to make our embeds adjustable. First we made our data collection blocks adjustable and now we are introducing adjustable multiple choice blocks
Now the height of multiple choice blocks inside embeds can be dynamic. If it's content can fit into a smaller area - the "adjusted" type of embed will render it in smaller window on the website
Other improvements:
- Added possibility to input $ and £ symbols in manually updated Goal and Metrics text boxes
- Fixed issue where responder doesn't see the video being recorded if the block background is color
- Fixed visual issues with donation blocks in Firefox browser