👉 Merge Fields are searchable and selectable in block prompt text field
Finally, you can use Merge fields without knowing SQL 😁😁😁
Just type the "[" symbol and you will see a picker that will help you to choose a required merge field. The selection process is only 3 step:
- choose the experience
- choose a block
- choose a merge field
🧲 Change CTA text on every page of payments blocks
We've added the possibility to configure the submission button text on each step of the payment block!
⚡️ Merge media - template image or video from a previous response
Experience personalization gets to a whole new level with merge media! Now you can use the media which was uploaded by responder and make it a background of the experience blocks.
🧲 Zapier Experience Response Trigger has link to variant experience
Now the embed action in the Zapier allows you to embed a specific variant of the experience in your website. This experience can use data that was provided during completing of the response.
↗️ User can set "Go To" transition
Now users can configure "Go To" transitions in their experiences. This transition allows you to send users to another experience that you own without changing of URL address. you can put 2 types of links here:
- static link to experience exp.humanagency.com/e/k8zjwb8N/share
- merge field that redirects to experience {{experience_url_1}}
📌 "Other" option is choice inside of multiple choice dropdown
After getting a lot of requests from the team, we are introducing the new version of "Other" option in responder mode. Now "+ Add option" is a dropdown option which user can click and type in their response
🔫 Experience variant has correct preview when user sharing a link to it
We've fixed the preview of experience variants. Now when you sharing the link to a specific variant, the preview of it will look really nice! It will have correct title, description and the picture!
Other improvements:
- Variants have their own count of goals & metrics on the share page
- "variant_id" is a new field in Zapier. It allows to identify to what variant some response or payment related
- Added auto-positioning of images in previews
- Fixed issue with the experience response trigger that didn't fire if the last block had an internal redirect
- Fixed issue with showing text response field on Windows devices
- Fixed issue with textbot that is not responding correctly for some MC responses
- Increased platform fee for new users from 0.8% to 1.05%
- Updated Ruby to v.2.7