🆎 User can use merge fields in the Formli name
We’ve added the possibility to use merge fields in the Formli name. Right now you can insert the reference and it will name the variant in the list with the variant response data.
🔍 The ability to search the Fomli by name
Now it’s possible to search for the Formli. Input the formli name to find the needed one!
screencast+2022-03-23+21-17-11 (1).mp4
⬆️ 🔽 User can sort formlis by creation date
User can also sort through the formlis by the creation date.
screencast 2022-03-23 21-53-44 (1).mp4
📞 User is billed for the phone numbers
We’ve added the possibility to charge the creators for using the phone numbers. Also right now people can see how much it costs to get a phone number on a plan.
Other improvements:
- Added automatic text resize & repositioning on desktop devices