Users can create Response views
We released the possibility to create Views! Instead of reconfiguring the responses page every time you want to see different data, you can create a unique response dashboard for every case. Each view can have its own set of columns and applied filters.
You can create, rename, delete and duplicate every view.
Creation of the new view and adding data to it
Creation of the new view and adding data to it
Reference tags in the Preview and Input components
No more weird codes in the Preview of your block and in the inputs! We’ve added reference tags to them! On the Preview, the reference tags have small visualization just to let you know that in the real response, there will be the responder’s data.
New merge field “File URL”
We’ve added the merge field that allows responders to get the link to the file that they uploaded on the Free response blocks!
Getting the link to the uploaded photo
Getting the link to the uploaded photo
Other improvements
- Significantly improved the performance of the Responses page. Page loads fast and pagination works fast even on the view with 800k responses
- Added Filter operators for default columns. In the next sprint, we will add filter operators for the columns that were added by the user
- Added possibility to create multiple columns with the same name on the Responses page
- Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the issue with the Merge Field Picker that was causing the entire Responses page to crash