🌆 Background transparency for embedded Experiences
Want your embed to look more natural on websites? Now you can make the background of your embeds to be transparent.
This example can be achieved with transparent background + adjusted dimensions turned on
How it works:
All experience blocks that have color background will be shown transparent.
If your native image file has transparent elements like png's or gifs, those may also show up as transparent.
🖼 Transparent border for experience
Your experiences don't have borders anymore and look like native parts of a website as well as on direct experience links.
↕️ Responsive sizing of payment block
Now the height of payment block in embed can be dynamic. If the type of your embed is "adjusted" and block background is color, then the first step of payment block will be rendered in smaller window.
Other improvements
- Switched over to the new domain name - exp.humanagency.com
- Data Release 1.3 - Blacklisted Emails and Email Lists
- Fixed bug with certain sizes of the embed make the characters run into next cell