Email builder
We’ve added the possibility to build emails from scratch in the app! Our integration with Unlayer allows you to build fully customizable emails.
Building custom emails with Unlayer
Building custom emails with Unlayer
Completed state for payment block
We’ve introduced the completed state for the payment block. When the responder goes back to the already paid payment block
Bulk delete on the response view
We’ve added a feature that allows you to delete multiple columns at a time
Bulk delete on the response view
Bulk delete on the response view
Other improvements
- Modified the merge columns feature. Source columns are automatically deleted after they were merged.
- Bugs fixed
- Fixed the bug with response view columns that were not showing Reference tags (showing reference code instead)
- Fixed the issue with deleting the billing plans
- Fixed the issue with not working old export links
- Technical improvements
- Changed the asker page to be workspace in the admin dashboard