⏱ Upload process improvements
After diving into TinySuperheroes nomination process stats, we observed the dropoff on media uploading was extremely high (33% on that one step). We decided that it's a great opportunity to improve our uploading process.
As a result, we've added 2 upgrades:
- You can see the progress of uploading so you can understand how much time it's left to finish it
- You can cancel a file in the middle of uploading if you chose the wrong one or want to select a smaller size
⤵️ Go To a block UI selector
We've added functionality that allows creators to set up block specific transitions. Now you can:
- Go from block 1 to block 5 without it being a conditional
- Go between blocks within the same experience no matter what's their ordering
- Send the responder to a block in another experience
Here's how you can use it:
Other improvements:
- Fixed performance issue on "Goals & Metrics" section
- Fixed issue with the font that wasn't shown on whitelabel domains (CORS issue)
- Finished upgrade to new version of Rails (v6)
- Fixed issue with content only submission button that didn't stay on after saving