↕️ Embedded Experiences for Data Collection blocks can now be set to "adjusted"
Experiences are better when they look great on websites... so we are adding responsiveness to our embeds.
Now the height of embed can be dynamic. If your data collection block has content which fits into a smaller area - the "adjusted" type of embed will render it in smaller window on the website
Here is the result (title is out of the block):
🙏 Post-Submission Thank you Page
As a cool addition to previous story we also added responsive Thank you page. Based on the height of your experience and your device Thank you page will appear differently. So much gratitude. So flexib
🎲 Conditional & redirects for "Other" option of "Multiple choice" blocks
Now you can configure a specific relationship for the "Other" option of your "Multiple choice" blocks
The relationships:
- Next (default)
- Another experience blocks
- Redirect URL
- Submit
🆙 Squarespace widget version
We added a new version of widget for websites which are built like Single page apps. In most cases you will need first version which is called "Basic Javascript" but there are couple of cases in which you will need another version of widget called "Single-Page Apps". The cases are:
- Squarespace websites with AJAX loading enabled
- Other platforms that doing page refreshes with AJAX
- Websites that using Turbolinks
A few ways to recognize if your website needs "Single-Page Apps" version of widget:
- Squarespace websites: To figure out what widget version you need open the admin dashboard of your website and go to Design → Site Styles. Under "SITE: LOADING" section you will see radio button for option "Enable Ajax Loading". If it's turned on then you need "Single-Page Apps" widget version
- Other websites: Try to refresh the page and then navigate to other pages of your website. In case if some parts of your website not refreshing then most likely that you will need "Single-Page Apps" widget version
Another important notice about "Single-Page Apps" version: You need to put code from 1st section in the </head> section only at once. There is no need to add code from this section each time when you adding new widget to your website